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RPS Group Tuesday 21st May

We will end this season on a high with the excellent news that Brian Muir achieved his Associateship of the Royal Photographic Society this month with a submission in the Contemporary category. The group members have been watching Brian’s panel come to fruition over this season and we aren’t surprised the assessors were unanimous in their praise for Brian’s photographic skills. We can celebrate with him on Tuesday 21st May, see his successful panel and hear more about the assessment process, in this case the particular objectives of a Contemporary submission and the importance of the Statement of Intent.

It’s been a good season for the the group, with group member, Peter Jones achieving his LRPS earlier this year. For anyone thinking about starting RPS distinctions, this last meeting of the current programme will be a good opportunity to see some successful panels and give you food for thought over the summer.

No need to bring work along, you are welcome to come and observe to find out more.

Tuesday 21st May at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start in the small hall at tangmere Village Centre. £3 for Club members and £4 for visitors.

The featured image is one (in an edited form) from Brian’s successful ARPS submission

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