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Brian Muir ARPS

I’m delighted to announce that Brian Muir is now an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, with his successful Contemporary panel which was assessed yesterday, 14th May.

Brian’s panel of 15 images in his characteristic candid style, is united by the theme of travel and asks questions about the who, what and why of those he has observed on buses, trains or waiting to begin their journeys.

The assessors were united in praise for Brian’s photographic skills, and in a very clear demonstration of why RPS distinctions are different from those of the PAGB or FIAP, discussed the objectives of a Contemporary submission – being about the communication of ideas – and the very concept of a ‘cohesive panel’ as opposed to 15 individual images.

It’s many, many congratulations to Brian who has managed to gain both his Licentiate and Associate in just 10 months with highly developed camera craft, an eye for the decisive moment as well as for detail and who has overcome the steep learning curve of putting together a Statement of Intent to meet the criteria of the ARPS.

Well done Brian!

The featured image is from Brian Muir’s successful ARPS submission

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