
As well as the main group activities, Chichester Camera Club also runs many special interest groups, the aim of which is to help people enjoy and improve their photography by sharing techniques and skills within a small unit situation. These groups are run in addition to the main weekly meetings and offer participants the opportunity to tap into the knowledge and experience of some of our most talented club members. There are seven special interest groups each of which is led by a highly experienced club photographer and all usually meet once per month during the club season (September – May). They are open to both members and non members. The club levies a small attendance fee to cover costs (currently £3 for members, £4 for non-members).

The Contacts for the Special Interest Groups are as follows

PortraitJan Davis /Andy
MultimediaJeff Owen 

Below is a list of our current special interest groups:

  • The Developers Group.   Leader: Paul Adams

The main objective of this group is to help members grow in their photographic understanding and skills, in a fresh way. It is ideal for newer members and those who are reaching into new photographic areas, as help from established members is always on hand.

We concentrate on techniques and composition rather than the technicalities of camera equipment or post-processing. At each meeting some members will share their digital images as a stimulus to others to ‘have a go’ with a new technique or genre.

The meetings at Tangmere are ‘magazine style’ evenings with a number of contributors from the Club – delivered at a gentle pace with an emphasis on interactive, non-technical activities and encouraging a range of practical exercises to reinforce learning. In addition we arrange Photo Walks which facilitate picture making in location with like-minded people.

Meetings: usually every 3rd Monday of each month in the Small Hall, commencing at 7:30pm

  • The Digital Imaging Group. Leaders: Sarah Nichols

The objective of the Digital Imaging Group is to enhance members’ knowledge of just some of the myriad of post processing techniques available to the digital photographer. There is a wealth of knowledge within Chichester Camera Club and experienced members gladly share and demonstrate proven techniques at these evenings.

The image manipulation programmes demonstrated are chiefly Photoshop and Lightroom but plug-in systems such as Topaz and Nik Collections are also featured during the season.

On most evenings an attempt is made to introduce two topics which are presented by two different speakers although in some instances a whole evening may be devoted to an important subject, such as printing. Members of all skills levels are encouraged to attend and are sure to find something of interest to enhance the post processing of their images.

Meetings: every 4th Tuesday of the month. See the ‘programme’ page for further details.

  • The PAGB Distinctions/External Salons Group.Leader: Peter Rocchiccioli

The PAGB Distinctions group has been set up to help people work towards the many distinctions available to them through the PAGB and FIAP distinctions route. The group encourages members to strive to achieve the very high standard of photography required to achieve these distinctions. We will also look at work for people who are trying to enter images into both National and International Photographic Salons and encourage members to enter these competitions, because acceptances in these Salons will often help gain the FIAP distinctions. Meetings:

We meet at 7.00pm on the first Monday of the month unless it is a bank holiday, in which case the meeting is moved to an alternative date. The meetings take place in the small hall in the Tangmere Village Centre.

  •  The Portrait Group. Joint leaders: Jan Davis and Andy Dulson

Portraiture requires skill and experience and this group aims to give its participants the opportunity to learn through working with others in a studio-like setting or on location. The club relies on borrowing studio lights and using participants flash guns depending on the situation. The group does not have regular meetings but meets ad hoc when opportunities arise for people photography.  In particular regular photo shoots at Chichester College Hair and Beauty and Barbers dept as well at events in the city such as Remembrance Day,  St Pancras Wheelbarrow walk.  Also there are opportunities to contribute to St Wilfrid’s Hospice’s  Bubble Rush, Moonlight Walk and other events .

  •  The Print Group. Leader: TBA

The Print Group’s purpose is to assist Club members in obtaining the best print results from the digital images taken by the camera and post-processing.

To achieve the end product, we will explain how and why to profile a computer monitor and inkjet RGB printer, with practical demonstrations where possible. Members will be encouraged to show work-in-progress and receive help and advice where necessary.

The group is open to all, no matter their ability, so come and talk to one another and improve your work, so that you can confidently enter exhibitions and Club competitions.

Meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday of the month at Tangmere Village Centre.

  • The RPS Distinctions (L A F) Group. Leader: Lorna Brown FRPS

The group helps those who wish to try for Licentiate (LRPS), Associate (ARPS) and Fellow (FRPS) distinctions. This year, Lorna Brown will be leading the group while special advice will still be available from our own FRPS members, who have experience of the RPS Distinction Panels, and it is also open to and attracts photographers from outside the Club.

The Licentiate requires a good demonstration of sound photographic skills – such as differential focus, close up and wide-angle compositions, portraiture, nature or landscape, and different shutter speed use.  These must all be presented with excellent technical skills (no over-sharpening for instance) in ten images presented as a cohesive ‘panel’, that is, the images complement each other, none look out of place and together they make a whole.

Associate and Fellowship levels demand excellent photographic techniques shown via 15 (ARPS) or 20/21 (FRPS) images that as well as sitting together in a panel are united by a theme, demonstrate creative ability and personal style and are and backed up by a ‘statement of intent’ that sets out what the photographer aims to show.

Meetings: every 3rd Tuesday of the month.

  • Multimedia Group. Leader: Jeff Owen ARPS

This group is there to help people wanting to produce books, audio visual (AV) or wanting to experiment with video.

If you have (potential) collections of images and are looking at interesting ways of presenting them, then books and AV may be for you. Many documentary photographers find these mediums an attractive way to present their work, and more and more are using video clips within AV to enhance the story telling. The group tries to balance the need to pick up technologies required with the basic editing and composition required to produce good books and audio visuals.

Unless noted otherwise in the above text, all of these meetings are held between 7:30pm and 9:30pm at Tangmere Village Centre in the small back room. Please see the Programme page for meeting dates and other details.