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RPS and Print groups – Update

As the Club will not be meeting until at least the New Year, this is an update on how the Print and RPS Groups will carry on in the autumn, both virtually and looking towards possible real meetings in due course.

The Virtual Print Group has been very enjoyable and with lots of positive feed back. Of course for those of us who love the finished print (I must print something this week or my poor printer will think it is permanently abandoned) it can never entirely replace the simple pleasure of seeing and holding a print, just as the virtual meetings can never replace the pleasure of meeting our friends and colleagues. But is has had some advantages and is certainly better than nothing at all.

Along with other Club activities, we will be taking a break over August and will resume in September taking our usual second Tuesday in the month for meetings via Zoom.

The RPS Group  has been more difficult to transfer to Zoom, as the basic premise is of how a number of images sit well together in panels and looking at  a minimum of 10 images on a screen is rather limited. As the RPS had also suspended its distinctions assessments, a short break seemed sensible.

While the RPS has not yet reinstated the distinctions process, I am loath to wait longer to get this group together in some way.  So from September we will start Zoom meetings, the first on 15th September, our usual third Thursday in the month slot. 

This will be an introduction to the RPS distinctions and the fine art of panelling and I hope some of our newer members and those who might like to learn more will join us for that.

At the same time, we can consider if, how and when we might actually meet in ways that meet whatever guidance is in place through the autumn, possibly in the day time rather than evenings and with limited and carefully managed numbers.  This would enable those who have more developed panels to finalise these in readiness for the RPS to start its processes.

In the meantime, you might like to follow the RPS Facebook group for those interested in distinctions at this link

Stay safe and well, and enjoy the summer!


The featured image is  from Jeff Owen’s successful Associateship panel



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