
News from Frank Adams FRPS

I’m delighted to be able to tell you I have heard from Frank, who is making progress, albeit slowly. Frank and Jill were staying with their daughter and son-in-law in Cumbria, both recovering from a nasty bout of Covid, when Frank fell and broke both his hip and his leg.

He’s been in hospital these past eight weeks, with only the ceiling and a fixed up iPad for entertainment, but is now back with his family, and just starting a slow recuperation, with lots of support and able to walk a little. It will though be a while before he and Jill are able to come back home.

In true Frank spirit, he tells me he plans to use his enforced leisure to teach his daughter close up photography, and is reflecting on what his current limited mobility will mean photographically and if that will open up new exciting possibilities – he looks forward, he says, to doing new things. Given Frank’s superb photographic skills I’m looking forward to seeing what he comes with.

The featured image is by Frank of Lindisfarne Castle.

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