ChairDevelopers' GroupNews

Club Photowalks

If you are an Advanced member, New to the Club, or perhaps a Developer or Intermediate – perk up your ears, this one is for you!

Last year was all about creating a group which was both social and inclusive, with a lot of Tangmere based training thrown in. This year is all about, yep, you’ve guessed it, being social and inclusive. But this time with an awful lot of practice in the field as well.

The intention is to run Club Photowalks every two weeks or so throughout the year, and then review our collective results in just a few Tangmere sessions – but probably not in the manner you envisage.

We need more Advanced members to join us, if for no other reason than to join in, be sociable and rub shoulders with other like minded members. We need, of course, all new members to come along to an event to see if such a friendly, characterful group suits you. And we need all those Intermediates who are currently hugging their keyboards to get ite and abite in the field. For, yes, pretty much the same reasons as above.

The first two events of the new season are currently in the Club Programme, scheduled as follows. A third will be posted soonish and before the start of September.

Sep 2 – Bournemouth Air Show

Sep 18 – Dell Quay Boats

Oct1/2 – to be defined

What do you do next? Have a look in the Club Programme (the online one), every event has a meet time, a specific meet place and my phone number (and usually a lot of description of the event, all in my usual style …..)

All you need to do is turn up at the right time and place and you will be welcomed. If you can let me know you will be coming, so much the better. And if you are new to the Photowalks, then by all means have a chat with me beforehand – its a good way to dispel any reservations about meeting a new group of people.

As always, Im on 07974 173345 and at

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