
Annual Exhibition Update

First of all a thank you to everyone who submitted work for the Annual Exhibition, without that of course there can of course be no exhibition!

We have a total of 174 PDIs entered, all of which will be included in the exhibition, and 314 prints, that’s 48 from Club, 107 from Intermediate and 159 from Advanced classes. With only space for approximately 280 or so prints there will have to be a few that do not get through, but everyone who entered will have work included.

We started the print processing yesterday, checking that the entries match the uploaded information and to start we have to unbag the entries and put everything into alphabetical order. And here comes a moan I’m afraid. It is a small – if perfectly formed – core group that drives the exhibition and we ask that you simply put the prints into a bag, do not use any adhesive tape and in particular don’t use print envelopes because that all makes it so much more difficult for us to unwrap them. Despite that we had numerous entries encased in several layers of bubble wrap, every sort of tape from gaffer to sellotape, some even then in another wrapping, and some with each print in a separate envelope. Please, please remember next year – be kind, just a bag.

Otherwise the check was pretty straightforward this year, and Andy Dulson will have contacted anyone where there were any particular queries. We also try, but don’t guarantee, to proof any typos in the uploaded titles as these eventually transfer directly to the catalogue, as some strange additional characters sometimes creep in, as well as other oddities. The next stage next week will be giving each print an entry number (a ‘sticker’ number) and getting everything ready for the judge the week after.

And for any one wondering about the how images taken on a camera phone will be identified, this year there will be small stickers available on set up day (Friday 2nd August) that if you wish you can add to the mount of any images you took on a camera phone.

It’s all looking very good for another wonderful Chichester Camera Club Annual Exhibition, opening to the public on Saturday 3rd August!

The featured image is from last year’s Annual Exhibition by Lorna Brown

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