
Weekly update

Last Thursday was the final meeting of the season and we ended on a high note with ‘An evening with Jan Beesley’. Jan describes herself as an artist who uses photography as her medium and she showed us the wonderful creativity which goes into her work. Often starting from multiple images in-camera or ICM, then adding other elements and experimenting with different blend modes in Photoshop, she creates abstract painterly works. She showed us her ARPS panel which was created using images looking out through the wet and dirty windows of her garden shed, which was certainly a novel approach. A fascinating evening!

The featured image shows Ian Roberts receiving the DPAGB pin for his recent very successful submission, which had the highest aggregate score of all the applications.. Congratulations, Ian DPAGB!

Voting in the competitions for the Coath (Photographer of the Year) and Edmunds (greatest contribution to the life of the club) Cups remains slow, so please give it your immediate attention. Only 13 of our 133 members have voted to date but it is important that the result is a genuine reflection of the whole club’s views. The deadline for voting is Thursday 13th June but VOTE NOW at

Thank you to all those who have volunteered for catering or stewarding duties at the Annual Exhibition. The rota is largely complete but there are 4 gaps remaining. The rota is on the website at Exhibitions> Annual Exhibition 2024 and the empty slots are highlighted in red. Please put your name down by emailing Sarah at if you have not done so already.

The West Chiltington Fete and Flower Show will be held on Saturday 13th July and they have asked for someone to photograph the afternoon, from 1:30 to 4pm. Please let me know at if you can help.

Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE5* will be judging the Annual Exhibition entries on Thursday 6th June.

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