
Weekly update

On Thursday, Steve Smith wowed us with the superb quality of his printed images. As well as being a PAGB Master, he holds two FRPS distinctions, first in the Visual Arts category and then in Travel. He took us through the evolution of his street and social documentary work, particularly from his four visits to Cuba but also in London, with some wittily seen images. An outstanding display!

Next Thursday’s ‘Evening with Jan Beesley’ will be the final meeting of the season before the Pre-Exhibition meeting on 25th July.

The deadline for voting in the competition for the Coath (Photographer of the Year) and Edmunds (greatest contribution to the work of the Club this season) cups is getting close. You will know by this stage of the season who you want to vote for, so don’t delay. Send your entries NOW to We have 133 members but the entries to date are still in single figures!

There are two boxes of unclaimed competition prints at Tangmere, which will be available for collection on Thursday. We will have to dispose of any that are left after that, so please check the boxes and take your prints.

There are still a few gaps in the stewarding and catering rotas for the Annual Exhibition. Please let Sarah know at if you can help.

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