Thursday 12th October
It was the first of the competition rounds last night, with the first Advanced PDI Competition and Roy Lambeth as our judge. It’s always a great pleasure to have Roy, and his lovely wife Lynne, join us as they are both good friends to the Club.
Roy is a distinguished photographer, holds his AFIAP (that’s Ariste level with the Federation Internationale de L’Art Photographique) and his DPAGB (Distinction level with the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain) and last year was also awarded his APAGB which is the award for meritorious service to photography at all levels, from clubs through to the national levels.
He’s a very able judge, with a very acute eye and lots of good advice on how the best can be got from our image files. All of us will have learnt something from last night’s session.
Jeff Owen once again came up trumps with getting the scores onto the website before midnight last night and you will see Mike Davison tops the chart with John Howes and Keith Sawyer in joint second place and then five of us in joint third. With currently only two rounds in the PDI competitions, we are already half way through and at the AGM last year there was a discussion about bringing PDI competitions into line with the three Print Competition. This was very positively received and so next season (that’s 2018 – 2019) we will be trialling three rounds.
Last night should have been the deadline for the first Club Class and Intermediate PDI Competitons, but there was a technical glitch during the day and so Jeff has kept the portal open for a while longer and we hope that having seen a competition, new Members will be encouraged to take part. On which, the first Advanced Print Competition is now open for entries (deadline 26th October).
We were pleased to see Keith Sawyer receive his CPAGB (that’s Credit Level) from Peter Rocchiccioli (wearing his Southern Counties Photographic Federation President’s hat ) and Tony Baverstock receive his medal from the Sussex Photographic Federation (SxPF) Print Competition held last season.
The first Small Print Competition was also judged last night, and congratulations are due to Gary Howes who took first and third place and to Guy Partington, who came second. You can see more about that on the separate post.
The images scoring 10 points in the first Advanced PDI Competition
Mike Davison’s Misty Morning,
Lorna Brown’s Stradbally Strand
Andy Dulson’s Silver Medal Winner
Phil Shaw’s Tiger Portrait
Peter Rocchiccioli’s Tango at San Telmo