Tangmere Village Centre News
One of the many things that go on in the background of the Club is the liaison between us and the Village Centre Management. Most of those discussions are about day-to-day matters, but there are some developments coming along that should bring very good improvements for us that I thought you might like to hear about.
The entrance doors and the lobby are to be remodelled, and the very good news on that is that the doors will soon be fully accessible by our less mobile members and be DDA compliant. You can expect that around Christmas or the New Year. We also had an issue last week with cars parked in the disabled car parking spaces – not we think by our members – but you’ll also be pleased to know that the car park is to be tarmacked and when that happens, the disabled parking bays will be repainted and there will be eye level signs added to make restrictions clearer.
The other big news is that funding has been secured to greatly improve the audio visual kit at the hall, including fixed projection screen(s). We are in discussion with the hall about the specifications for screens, and look forward to these changes which should be in the spring and will mean no more (or at least much less) carrying about of the screen for projection evenings.
And finally – putting out and stacking the chairs can be a real task, and while for the time being we are asked to stack and put chairs into the cupboard to take up the minimum room so other hall users can get access, the hall management will be looking at new mobile racked seating that will make life much easier for everyone. That’s going to take longer so your forbearance and assistance in getting everything away at the end of each evening will be appreciated.
Lorna Brown
Seating at the Assembly Room that stacks away on mobile trolleys