RPS Group Zoom Meeting 16th February
Make sure you finish your pancakes on Tuesday 16th February ready to join our virtual RPS Group meeting at 7.30pm!
A number of members are now getting to grips with putting a potential panel together, and you are very welcome to find out more or – when you are ready – submit work for consideration. If you wish to send work in, please see the guidance below.
You might be interested in the Advisory Day being organised by the RPS Thames Valley Digital Group, and you can see more here:-
For those looking towards an L, Janey Devine suggests you have a look at these presentation layouts (as the RPS now calls hanging plans):-
Janey also says you might find this video interesting, although she warns the section about Distinctions is some 1 hour 25 mins in, but once there Stewart Wall, Chair of the Distinction Committee talks about the criteria for Ls, Joe Cornish about the new landscape category and Max Robinson about the new Multi Media distinctions which are across the three levels.
Guidance For L – Licentiate – level you can send images for an initial discussion or, when you are ready, include a hanging plan of how you think these will work together. If you are interested in the A – Associateship – please submit your statement of intent, or just a broad outline of your project along with images illustrating the theme. Please use WeTransfer sent to rpsgroup@chichestercameraclub.org.uk sizing your images to 1900 x 1200 by 5pm on Monday 15th February. Chichester Cameraclub is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83024029645?pwd=Nng0V05zYjJkaDRDdEJYcXI4OGJNQT09 Meeting ID: 830 2402 9645 Passcode: 965288 The featured image is from Jeff Owen’s successful A Panel