Competition NewsNews

Results of the second round of the small print competition

Many thanks to Peter, Carol, Glyn and Sheila for being tonight’s judges. As usual we had a wide variety of prints, all of  which were of a good standard. This month’s winners were:

In first place TIM CRABB with his image of a ROBIN which had all the elements of a good wildlife photograph; a catch light in the eye, an out of focus non-distracting background and good composition. It was very sharp and the judges thought he had tackled a difficult subject very well.


In second place MICK HARRIS with  WATERFALL IN THE YORKSHIRE DALES. The image had been shot with the correct shutter speed to show the movement of the water and had been taken from an unusual viewpoint which directed the viewer to the important part of the image.

and in 3rd place MICK HARRIS with a view of SPINNAKER TOWER in Portsmouth. Again this was a well composed, sharp image with an interesting sky and a good base.

So congratulations to the winners and many thanks to all the entrants for supporting this competition and good luck in the future rounds.

The third competition will be on December 8th which is the same day as the first Club/intermediate print competition. Could all entries please be with me, Linda Bullimore, by 1st December. This gives you three weeks to prepare for the next round!

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