Photobook Competition Entries 2020-21
If you would like to view all the book entries then these links will take you to pages that have the books on them.
You need to be logged in to the website to view them. Also, some of the books are quite large so you may hit performance issues on smaller/older laptops.
The page shows each book as a thumbnail with a set of controls around it. You can flip the pages of each book using the angled brackets (< >) to the left and right of the thumbnail, but the best way to view the book is to press the icon shown circled in red:

This will open the book in lay flat mode with 3D animation, full screen. To return back to the page with all the books, press the same icon again

Please note that some of the books are very big (> 200Mb) so it can take a while to load pages, please be patient.