ExhibitionsNewsSelection Committee News

Novium Museum – Deadline for submissions

Plans for our very special exhibition at the Novium, Chichester’s district museum are progressing really well.  A very varied exhibition is coming together featuring work from our archive – including lantern slides from the early days of the Club, which started in 1893 as the Chichester Photographic Society.

As well as a section of our contemporary work. a large part of the exhibition will be photographs drawn from across the Chichester district area that show activities, the people and the geography of this diverse area.  Club members have been submitting their images, many drawn from their back catalogues, such as Dave Abbott’s  late 1980’s image above, for this part of the exhibition and the deadline in now looming, Thursday 4th October.

We would like lots of images, and you can submit either prints, which should be unmounted and either A4 or A3, or you can upload through the normal Photocomp routed digital images.  Prints should have your name, the title, the location and the date of the photograph, and digital image titles should include the location and date too please.

The usual suspects are of course Goodwood, Chichester City, the Weald and Downland Museum, the Witterings and Selsey and West Dean, so we would particularly welcome images from outside that area, even slightly over the borders too. Unlike the Club’s 10 Miles of Chichester competition for the Annual Exhibition, these do not need to be immediately recognisable locations.

The exhibition will open to the public on 24th November and runs through until 10th March 2019.





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