Digital ImagingNews

Digital Group Tuesday 24th October 2017

The Digital Group will meet in the Small Hall of Tangmere Village Centre on Tuesday 24th October at 7.30.

For the first part of the evening Sheila will give a tutorial on downloading images from the camera and cataloging them in the Lightroom Library  so the you can find them again when you want to.

For the second part of the evening we have great pleasure in welcoming Ann McDonald once again. Ann will talk about making the most of your images, selecting those suitable for PDI’s or for prints and in the case of the latter, selecting a paper suitable for the image.

It should be a first class evening, Members £3.00, non-members £4.00. Refreshments included.

As an early warning, make sure you have Tuesday 28th November in your diary. Frank Adams will entertain us and he says his tutorial will be controversial! One not to be missed.