2019/20 CCC Camera club Trophy Winner Results
I’m delighted to announce the winners of the following cups for last season. While the normal procedure for the Coath and Edmunds Cups is by a members vote, due to the current lockdown situation it has not been possible for this to take place. On that basis the management committee and the President unanimously agreed that the two recipients are very worthy winners.
Lankaster Cup for Club PDIs Kevin Macknay
Sutherland Cup for Int PDIs Brian Muir
Hackett Cup for Adv PDIs Andy Dulson
Waddington Cup for PDI of the Year Jean Brooks
Brierly Cup for Club Prints Graham Ainge
Simox Cup for Int Prints Andy Bracey
Postma Cup for Adv Prints Lorna Brown
Coath Cup for Best or Most Improved Photographer Frank Adams
Edmunds Cup for Services to the Club Jeff Owen
Ada Tyler Cup for the Small Print Comp Martin Lloyd
Congratulations to them all and I hope the presentations will take place at the first opportunity we can meet at Tangmere.