
Weald and Downland Museum Photo Walk

Saturday 10th February 2024

The photowalk is this Sat February 10th (tomorrow) and is at the Weald and Downland Living Museum, Town Lane, Singleton, West Sussex PO18 0EU

We shall meet by the entrance at 10:30.  

It is best to book online in advance, but they say tickets can be bought on the day

There are a variety of interesting things to photograph – a map is available here:

As usual we will bimble around to look at and photograph what you like.  Gear wise wear something warm and sensible footwear as it is outside.  There is a cafe there too. Camera wise pretty much whatever you like.  A standard kit zoom will suffice, and there may also be stuff for telephoto and macro fans.

Pass the message on if you think anyone else would like to come along.


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