
Newsletter 9th February 2024

In the posts below you will see a big Thank You to all those members who made the North Mundham Exhibition such a success. The standard of the images on display were of such a high standard and the chance to socialise with each other over refreshments was really positive thanks to the people who are named in the post below. We must however, extend a special Thank You to Lorna Brown who co-ordinated the exhibition so successfully. Thank you Lorna. For those of you who missed this exhibition please do put the date of the Spring Exhibition in your diary – see the post below.

Yesterday evening gave us another opportunity to see more images from the Advanced Group in their 2nd Print Competition. This was judged by past member Tracey McEachran and as she said it was her judging ‘swan song’ as she is standing back from judging to focus on other things. Tracey was generous in her advice and scores of 10 – twenty in all. All very much deserved.

Thank you to those who came forward in response to our ‘Spreading the Load’ plea and volunteered to help Madaleine and Jane with meeting and greeting duties for our Thursday evening meetings.

Next week we have the Print Group on the 13th February and on Thursday 15th we are lucky to welcome back Ken Scott, APAGB, a popular judge and presenter with CCC members. Ken will be bringing us an updated talk on Touching the Light.

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