Tony Nutley – Diary of a TV Photographer
Club Members enjoyed Tony Nutley’s return visit last night (Thursday 22nd October) with Part 2 of his Diary of a TV Photographer. Tony is a seasoned professional photographer, specialising in film and tv dramas, and entertained us with his tales of the great and the good (and the not quite so good!) of stage and screen. Tony’s website looks like an A to Z of British Actors, and we enjoyed his tales behind the shots and the story of his early change to digital from film. We might well see him back for part 3!
This is my last week subbing for Jan, which I’ve enjoyed. We welcome him back from his travels next week, which is also the first Beginners and Intermediate workers PDI competition.
Re beg/Int competition
Is it going on as per calendar or has it been moved?
Hi Tony – the deadline for submission was extended but the competition is as scheduled, this Thursday 29th October.
See you then !