Spring Exhibition 2019

Having seen the Advanced workers exhibition at North Mundham now is the chance for Club and Intermediate workers to enjoy the same freedom at the Spring Exhibition on Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st of March 2019. If you’re not sure whether to enter this is a quote from one of last year’s new members:I
It was lovely to be able to chat with other members and I feel I have got to know people in the club better. Thank you for encouraging me to enter and I look forward to hopefully entering the Summer Exhibition.
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Spring Exhibition last weekend. I had been very nervous in the build up to it, but I felt reassured once I was there and had my pictures up. Thank you for your positive comments about them. The other photographs at the exhibition were excellent and most inspiring. It has given me lots of creative ideas!
See either Carmel Lynch or Sarah Nichol for an entry form and more information.