Salisbury Cathedral Tower
There was to have been a private guided tour up Salisbury Cathedral Tower on Saturday 26th January. It was cancelled due to lack of interest!
Mo Connaly has indicated she would be prepared to organise another one, probably on a Saturday in May (the building is used for other things on Sundays) if there was sufficient interest The ideal number is 10, the maximum is 12 and the minimum 8.
There are 300 steps to the top of the tower but there are a number of landings on the way. Being a private party we would be shown areas not usually open to the public tours and more time would be allowed for photography.
The cost would be about £15 depending on numbers. Although a firm booking cannot be made until we have some idea of interest, in the same way we do not have a firm date yet. If you are interested, without firm commitment please let me know over the next week or so.

Hello David, Please put Wojtek and myself down for the Salisbury Cathedral Tour in May. Thank you. Liz