RPS group – Tuesday 19th April
The RSP group will meet again in April when the meeting will be led by Janey Devine and John Bradshaw. This group is for all members who are interested in learning more about the Royal Society of Photography’s distinctions, which are also an excellent way to increase your skills.
You can bring along work in progress, your ongoing panels (the collections of images that make up a submission) and get excellent comment from others in the group with lots of skill sharing and technique advice.
Images don’t have to be mounted, but do stick them to some neutral coloured card simply as this helps keep them on the print panles we use to show the prints on.
You are also welcome to just come along to find out more if you don’t feel able to share any work yet.
The cost is £3 for Club Members and we meet in the small hall at Tangmere Village Centre at 7.15 for a 7.30 start.
The featured image shows Nick Hepworth’s recent successful hanging plan for the LRPS