NewsRPS Group

RPS Group – 17th September

The Club’s Special Interest group for those interested in exploring the distinctions awarded by the Royal Photographic Society meets for the first time this season on Tuesday 17th September in the small hall at Tangmere Village Centre at 7.15 pm for a 7.30 start. The focus this month will be on the first level distinctions – the Licentiate, with recent successful panels to see and an update on the recently revised guidelines.

The group is led by Lorna Brown, with Janey Devine and John Bradshaw offering invaluable support. All three are Fellows of the RPS, Janey and Lorna both currently Assessors and members of the Travel, Documentary, Contemporary (Janey) and Visual Art (Lorna) panels , while John was for many years an active member of the Contemporary panel. In additional Janey is a Licentiate assessor so there is plenty of support and experience on hand.

There’s no need to bring any work along, you can just come to find out more, but if you do want to bring images, small prints are fine, but simply stuck to some backing card (ideally white or cream) will help show the work off.

The meeting is also open to non Club members, at a cost of £4 or just £3 for members.

The featured image is from Peter Jones’s recent successful LRPS submission.

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