External News

RPS Doc group SE meeting Sunday 21st March 11am

Our speaker will be Anna Fox. Our program for 2021 is following the development of a project: Concept, Research and Execution.

Behind the Image – the making of documentary photography projects

What happens behind the scenes in the life of a documentary photographer?

Where do ideas come from? How do projects develop? There are big stories behind the works of documentary photographers and Anna Fox will be exploring some of these in relation to her own work. This session is designed to get us all thinking about what it is to make a set of images work together to tell a story.

In the second half of our meeting we will have interactive discussion on our member’s work. We encourage members to present their projects at the meeting, whatever the stage of progress, from ideas, through work in progress, to completed projects. 

Zoom details:
Topic: Doc Group SE Zoom Meeting

Time: Mar 21, 2021 11:00 London
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84125899949?pwd=YVp2WjNzMmJwSjRNYWNidFJta2g1Zz09

Meeting ID: 841 2589 9949

Passcode: 861571

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