
Pre Annual Exhibition Members’ Meeting – 25th July

It’s just two weeks now until we meet again for our Members’ Pre Exhibition meeting on Thursday 25th July, held as usual at Tangmere Village Centre at 7.30pm. We’re hoping to see lots of you there not just for the enjoyment of being back together again, but for some important Club business.

The meeting will be the first opportunity to see the exhibition catalogue (price £1.20) – and to see which of your entries have been accepted (no one has less than three print acceptances – except that is one entrant who only submitted two) and indeed to sneak a peek to see if you have been achieved any of the awards, which will be presented at the Preview on Friday 2nd August at the Assembly Room. The catalogue is quite a work of art and our thanks are due to Andy Dulson for the fabulous job he has made of it.

There will also be a short version of the PDI Show, with thanks to Jeff Owen for that. Every PDI submitted has been accepted and during the exhibition you’ll be able to see all of those on the TV by the refreshments so you can sit and enjoy the showing with a coffee and some cake.

All the Certificates of Merit, chosen by our judge this year, Sub Sibley ARPS, DPAG, will be distributed at the Members’ Pre-Exhibition Meeting too and it will be good to have an enthusiastic audience to celebrate each other’s successes.

We know for those who haven’t exhibited before that arriving at the Assembly Room on Friday 2nd August to set up your prints can be quite daunting. To help with that guidance notes were published in the newsletter and will be repeated under the ‘Count Down’ post later this week. We can give some key pointers at the Pre-Exhibition Meeting too.

Importantly though we also need you there to take away the leaflets and posters that advertise the exhibition. You should distribute these as widely as you can – to neighbours, friends, local shops, your hairdressers and the like so we can attract as many people as we can to come along and see our wonderful showing.

Please also publicise the event on your social media – you can find a link to the flyer below if you can use that to please.

There will also be a chance to see what our programme secretary, Kevin Macknay, has in store for next season, both for our Thursday meetings, as well as the key dates for competitions and the other exhibitions.


The featured image shows Sue Sibley, this year’s judge at work back in June. Find out if you gained a CoM at the meeting on 25th July.

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