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Our Flickr Group

Did you know we have our own Flickr  Group?

We have had it since way back, but it is probably one of the most under utilised things we have. Personally, I never got on with Flickr once it got taken over by Yahoo, but now you don’t need a Yahoo account to join any more, so it is time to see if we can breath some life back into it.

It has been suggested that we should be doing as much as we can to keep people active with the club while we are all isolating, well we can follow the lead of our neighboring Bognor CC who have a thriving Flickr group.

The idea will be to set up regular mini competitions. A set subject will be selected and a time period given to upload images. At the end of the period some learned members will select the best image(s). This is just for fun and open to all classes.

If you want to take part then I suggest you join Flickr and apply to join the group, which can be found here:

Flickr Group

Get posting!


4 thoughts on “Our Flickr Group

  • Francis Sandbach

    I would like to join the Flikr group, but you need an invitation!

  • Brian Southward

    It is interesting that the first thought is to use the group for competitions. I sense a conflict of cultures here. For many club members, one of the chief purposes of the club is to provide competitive events that will sort out who is best. Flickr, on the other hand, is a forum for sharing and appreciating photos, without any presumption that one is better than another.

    • Jeff Owen

      This is just one of many ideas to get people using Flickr and keep photographically active and is based on a model currently used by Bognor CC. We welcome any ideas. I will pass on your comments

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