

We were treated to three very different presentations from members of the HIghcliffe and Infinity Photography Club.  Nicky Pascoe started the evening’s entertainment with beautiful images of dancers both in the studio and in a wide variety of locations including flower fields, Salisbury Cathedral cloisters, Highcliffe Castle and along the coast.  Dancers were shown in acrobatic as well as classical poses, often in the middle of winter but they looked to be enjoying the shoot almost as much as the photographer.  Nickly has developed a real expertise and high reputation for the quality and passion of her work and is often approached by ballet dancers to have pictures for their portfolio.

By way of complete contrast Fay Bowles showed us how to enhance still life photographs with a variety of background textures including wire wool, wallpaper, tiles, water reflections and the contents of a garden shed.  Layers were overlaid to produce really stunning effects and her use of small farmyard animals added a sense of humour and scale to her work.

The evening was concluded by the presentation of Jim Pascoe with a focus on the work and life of choristers at Winchester Cathedral.  Jim has been given unprecedented access to the behind the scenes activities of the boys in both formal and informal settings.  The photos were fresh, original and unusual.

The three presentations added up to an excellent evening of real entertainment and were much appreciated by all.

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