Developers' GroupNews

Developers’ Group

The next group meeting is on Monday 20 February at Tangmere Village Centre, Small Hall, 7.15 for 7.30pm.

As usual, the evening will be a packed magazine programme of members’ images, teaching, tips, new ideas and the opportunity to pick more experienced brains in the coffee break.  If you want to sort out settings, please bring your camera with you.

Next week (Monday 20th February) we will continue to explore the 9 main reasons why photographs are not sharp.  We will also look at the effect of sensor size and depth of field, autofocus settings and shutter speed.

In addition, two members will also introduce us to very different photographic enthusiasms: action photography and photo-courses leading to distinctions.  Both are great ways to extend our photographic skills into new areas.

It has been great to hear of members getting together in smaller groups to pursue different interests, woodland, sports, landscape, beach and street.  Please make use of the meeting this next Monday to connect with others who share your particular passion.

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