
Countdown to Annual Exhibition: Setting up guidance

It’s only four weeks now until setting up the Annual Exhibition, and in the background steady progress continues. The catalogue is about to go to print, invitations to the season’s speakers, judges and Club friends sent out, the kit is being checked, posters and flyers are appearing round and about and the trophies are being engraved. Time then to think about what you as exhibitors need to do!

Firstly, for everyone, there is the Members’ Pre-Exhibition meeting on Thursday 25th July (see the programme for more details).

For print exhibitors the important date is Friday 2nd August when you must come to the Assembly Room to set up your own prints. If you are unable to do that it is your responsibility to ensure someone will do it on your behalf.

What follows is some guidance on what to expect and how to go about setting up your prints.

Set-Up Day 10am Friday 2nd August

Before you arrive the ‘strong-arm crew’ will have collected all the stands, display panels and all the other paraphernalia that is required for the week. Most of what you need will be available, but if you can, do bring along a spirit level and tape measure – some members find a length of string useful too (in helping to level their prints on the panels).

  • Print exhibitors should arrive between 10am and 11am and set up their own display. 
  • A tape measure and a small level will be needed. Some will be available at the hall.
  • All the display boards/panels are numbered (Panel numbers).
  • There will be information showing you which panel you have been allocated. You might find your prints are across two adjacent panels – if so they will be side by side
  • The marked-up print boxes containing the prints will be placed near the designated panels.
  • Each panel will have a small photo affixed to it. The photo will provide a visual guide showing the prints and the order in which the prints are to are to be arranged. If you supplied a hanging plan this might not be the same, you must use the layout shown.
  • There will be panel layout sheets available showing the appropriate placing and measurements for the print positions.
  • Mounts are attached to the panels using the supplied Velcro dots.
  • If you wish to, there will be small stickers to show any prints made using a smartphone.
  • All set up must be completed by 12 noon.
  • There will be plenty of help available!

Once the exhibition is completely set up every print is given an exhibition number set beside it along with any Certificate of Merit or trophy winning labels. These correspond with the panel and print exhibition numbers in the catalogue. 

Preview Evening Friday 2nd August

That evening, at 7pm for 7.30pm, there will be an Exhibition Preview for all Club Members and your guests, along with the Club’s invited guests, including our judge this year, Sue Sibley ARPS, BPE4*, EFIAP/s, who will be presenting the trophies.

You will find that the Assembly Room will have been reset since the morning, ready for the preview, with chairs and speakers’ tables. The trophies will be awarded and there will be a short version of the PDI show, and following that more formal part of the evening, there will be a buffet downstairs and a chance to chat to other members and our guests.

After the presentation the room will be reset again (courtesy of our strong-arm crew) and revert to the exhibition layout ready for the first opportunity for everyone to see the exhibition in its full layout.  

Final Day 5pm Saturday 10th August

  • The Exhibition closes at 5pm on Saturday 10th August when all prints must be removed from the display panels.
  • You must not take down any prints before 5pm.
  • If you are not able to attend, it is your responsibility to ensure someone else will do it for you and take your prints away.
  • The Selection Committee will have marked up some prints to retain for inter-club and national competitions, so you might find some of your prints have already been removed, or have a coloured sticker on indicating you need to leave it/them in place.

As the prints come down, the strong-arm crew (we will need volunteers) will start dismantling all the equipment and be packing everything away to take back to storage.

The exhibition is widely regarded as one of the very best photographic exhibitions in the region and provides a very enjoyable social occasion. Once again we’ve had a strong response and the exhibition will be a splendid occasion to promote the work of our talented members.

A tremendous amount of behind-the-scenes work has taken place to bring the exhibition together and relies on volunteers for stewarding, encouraging attendance and general help. Please do support the event even if you aren’t exhibiting.

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