Chairmans blog 24th March
Congratulations to Keith Sawyer getting his Gold Medal from the RPS in the Creative Group Exhibition for his image “Isolation” which we have not seen. Here it is.
Also well done Andrew Coe for his LRPS.
The latest results from the SCPF will be announced tonight. Just to say we did very well.
Peter gave us an understanding of the important work of the Selection Committee in selecting images for competitions summarised in this document link:
http://Chichester Club Overview on Competitions
Last Thursdays meeting of an extraordinary Video show with sound (AV) for those who like abbreviations spanned a range of moving serious and humorous contributions from friends of our club and Graham Sergeant and Carole Speight. Carole who put together beautiful images with an appropriate sound track life the enjoyment way beyond an ordinary slide show. Graham also communicated in fascinating way the heroism of Shackleton in his AV. We look forward to more and encourage members to have a go.
The AV team Graham Sergeant, Carole Speight, Jean Mills and Bob Sherrard from Hailsham Camera Club.
The digital group was also a success on Tuesday where Lightroom on location was demonstrated very well by sheila Tester with support form Lorna Brown. For some of us who have tried Hipstamatic the demonstration and the superb images from Janey Devine open up a new avenue.
interesting, think it’s the 1st time I’ve read your blog. Do think as they are all pictured that Jean & Andrew (?) Mills might have had a credit. Jean was on Iain’s Birmingham w/s but think we only met her hubby (nothing like so good looking !) at Arena a couple of weeks back.
Thanks for the comments. I missed credits and thanks to Jean Mills and Bob Sherrad from Hailsham Camera Club. They kindly lent us and rigged up the magnificent screen. Jan