I thoroughly enjoyed the Bristol International last night and I hope you all did too. A huge array of terrific images from worldwide photographers and it does inspire when you see images like that.
Okay, another reminder about the Annual Exhibition this August.
Members can enter up to six prints, up to six PDI’s and two PDI’s for PDI of the year. The portal is open and the closing date is 15th May. For full instructions please access the competition rules on our website from the link below.
This is really important to the club as it’s our first public An/Ex for three years so needs your full support.
Finally our AGM is fast approaching when I hand over the chair responsibility to David Pritchard, hence the featured image, who I’m sure will lead the club to even greater achievements. Please remember that should you wish to put a fully proposed and seconded proposal forward, it must be with our secretary by April 21st.
Next week is the 3rd Advanced print competition, in the company of our visiting judge Bob Webzell, so another chance to see some cracking images from our advanced members.
Take care