
Annual Exhibition update

This morning, Thursday 27th June, we completed the last of the stages in readying the print entries for the Annual Exhibition. They have now all been checked, had an entry number added, sorted, judged, selected and arranged as they will be shown for the exhibition and are now all safely packed ready to go to the Assembly Room.

You can see in the featured image all the prints wrapped and laid out in panel number order just before we packed them away in the boxes, each set with a pink panel number in the top right hand corner. That will tell you which display board your prints will go on, and you’ll find further information about placements at the hall.

You can also see the prints being packed, each with a diagram showing the entry numbers in the order the prints must be displayed. All the prints are in numbered boxes that you will find near the relevant panel numbers – there will be further information on how to find your prints and panel allocation and how to go about putting up the prints nearer the time.

For now, this final stage in preparing the prints means the catalogue is reaching completion and will soon be ready to go to publishing. We can now relax a little with the major part of the preparations over, although we’ve still a number of tasks before we get to Friday 2nd August and set up day. Thanks are due to those who have helped so far in another very smoothly running if pretty complicated process.

Don’t forget the Annual Exhibition members’ pre exhibition meeting on Thursday 25th July at 7.30pm at Tangmere when you will be able to buy your exhibition catalogue for £1.20, see a taster of the PDI show and also an introduction to the programme for next season.

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