
Annual Exhibition success

By the time our Annual Exhibition closed last night, it had attracted 1,525 visitors and gathered universal praise. Comments in the visitors’ book included ‘fantastic’, ‘wonderful’, ‘really enjoyable’, ‘inspirational’ and ‘really interesting’, with praise going to the quality of images, the overall presentation and the organisation of the event. The breadth and depth of the exhibition’s appeal was illustrated nicely by the voting for visitors’ favourite image. There were of course some images which attracted a lot of support but virtually every print panel registered votes. So, a big WELL DONE AND THANK YOU to all the exhibitors, stewards, caterers, publicists, planners, Selection Committee members, heavy mob and everyone else who contributed so effectively to a very satisfactory outcome.

So many people have contributed a considerable amount of time and expertise that mentioning individuals risks underplaying the contribution of the many but particular thanks must go to Chris Worsley as Exhibition Secretary, to Andy Dulson for producing the exhibition Catalogue and doing much besides, and to Vivien Ruddock who led the publicity team to great effect, in spite of a broken arm.

None of this happens by accident, of course. As a club, we depend on members doing more than taking and presenting their own images and the workload always falls unevenly. If you don’t help already, please consider volunteering. There are two vacancies at present and the first one is crucial. Chris Worsley is retiring with great honour as Exhibition Secretary, so we need someone who will assemble and lead the team for the 2024 Annual Exhibition. There is also a vacancy on the Management Committee. If you would like to contribute to the ongoing success of the Club in one of these ways, please contact me as soon as possible at and we can explore what is involved.

The Annual Exhibition is our main opportunity to recruit new members and around 20 visitors expressed interest in joining. We will be holding a welcoming evening for them at Tangmere on Thursday 31st August. Based on feedback from recent joiners and more experienced members, the meeting will have a more social flavour than in the past, to make the amount of information less overwhelming. Please remember to look out for new members at our first meeting of the new season on Thursday 7th September and make them feel very welcome.

The featured image shows John Strickland receiving one of his trophies from our Patron, the Mayor of Chichester.

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