Weekly update
Last night, the 2nd Club/Intermediate print competition was judged by Bob Hart from Winchester Camera Club, who was very impressed by the overall standard of the entries and paid particular attention to technical quality. He brought humour to his judging, including noting wryly that his club was placed 4th in the SCPF print league, which has been won by Chichester – see Jim Munday’s report below. Congratulations to those whose images were chosen and to the Selection Committee for their choices. Special congratulations go to Jim, whose amazing ‘Sparrow-hawk with Starling’ was the top scoring image over the 8 rounds of competition. The results of the Club/Inter competition are also below and the featured image, ‘Self-Portrait’ by Paul Beacham was one of the 10s. Congratulations to Paul and to the other top scorers.
Chichester Rugby Club 1st XV are playing at home against Bournemouth tomorrow (1st March). The weather looks promising and there should be plenty of mud, after the week’s rain, so get some action shots at Oaklands Park. Kick-off is at 2:30pm.