Weekly update, 23rd February 2025
On Thursday evening we had an excellent Zoom presentation from Ruth Grindrod on “Scottish landscapes”. We had some technical issues with not all members being able to access the meeting which was a shame given the quality of the presentation. We had a photographic tour of Scotland exploring landscape photography, from big vistas to more intimate and abstract scenes focusing on composition, tonal variance and texture. We were also shown her basic processing workflow which was very interesting. For those that missed the meeting her website is worth a look at to get some idea of how she approaches landscape work. The featured image is by Ruth.
The position of PDI Secretary has recently become available and we are appealing for someone to take on that role following on from Ian Roberts. Many thanks Ian for all your good work, which is much appreciated. Prior to that as you will know Jeff Owen ran the PDI competitions for some years and between Ian and Jeff they are looking to find someone to take the role forward with instruction and support from them. So, if you are interested in volunteering for this post, please do contact Jeff or Ian as soon as possible.
Last Monday the Club took part in the Epsom Camera Club Challenge and won against Richmond, Bookham and Beckenham clubs. Congratulations to all that participated.
Next week the Digital Group will meet as per Sarah Nichol’s post below.
CCC Photocomp is now open for entries in the 3rd Advanced PDI competition, the submission deadline being Thursday next week i.e. the 27th February.
Richard Paterson