Weekly Update
What a fantastic ‘journey into the Rabbit Hole that is Astrophotography’ we had with our guest speaker, Graham Devenish, ARPS and his talk ‘Keeping Looking Up’. He showed us some well known sights in the sky, as well as some spectacular not so well known ones. Graham, also gave us some hints and tips on how to get started. It was truly ‘awesome’ as described by Lorna Brown, in her vote of thanks.
Nest week the 2nd Club and Intermediate PDI competition will be judged – Intermediates are culled to 2 images per member due to the number submitted.
We would like to pad out the refreshment rota please as it is falling to the same people. Please come prepared to volunteer, especially in the next two weeks – we will help you get set up. It really is a great way of meeting everyone too. Thank you in advance for your offers to help.