Weekly Update
This will be the last weekly update before 2025. There are a couple of important posts about North Mundham and Ladies Little Christmas lunch on the 3rd of January 2025. Thank you to so many who turned out for our Christmas Social – the hall was full. There was a fun photo competition, a getting to know you game involving Truth and Lies (we learnt so much about each other!) and more importantly, some time to actually be able to chat to each other over drinks and finger food.
A Huge Thank you to the Management Committee, the Selection Committee and all the post holders for the support you have given me during this season and for all the incredible work you do behind the scenes – it is down to you that CCC is such a thriving and highly regarded camera club. There are also so many of you who help in other ways whether it be on the meet and greet or refreshments rosters or who help us set up and clear away – it really does help to spread the load from the post holders.
It remains for me to say Season’s Greetings and see you soon in 2025.