
Weekly Update

Our main Thursday night meeting last week, saw another really interesting presentation by Eddie Hyde, FRPS, entitled ‘Motion Capture’. This was a a comprehensive guide to the creative use of shutter speed. The talk was humorous, well-delivered and beautifully illustrated, so it appealed to a wide range of skill levels and provided a very entertaining evening. Eddie is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society (FRPS) and a Surrey Photographic Association Judge. He has been widely published and won many awards – find out more by visiting his website:

We have a really busy week starting this evening with the PAGB Group – see below.

Tomorrow – Tuesday 8th – we relaunch the print group with Julia Wainwright taking the lead – Thank you Julia – see below.

This Thursday is the 1st Club and Intermediate PDI competition to be judged by Michael Cullis. The Intermediate images have been culled to 2 images per person. Thursday is also the final submission date for the 1st Advanced Print competition.

We are all thinking of George, who has been taken ill recently, as advised by close friend Ray.

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