
Weekly Update

On Thursday we saw the really diverse range of work our advanced photographers entered into the 1st Advanced PDI competition. This was enthusiastically judged by Suzie Kirkby with thorough analysis, natural curiosity and helpful suggestions for development, showing her great breadth of knowledge.

We were inundated with entries which had to be culled to 2 entries per person and this is again the case for the 1st Competition of the Intermediate Group which will be judged on the 10th October. We also had a website glitch which led to some members unable to upload their images momentarily but this was soon sorted by Jeff – Thank you Jeff.

This coming Thursday our scheduled speaker Ian Howard – The Truth is Black and White – has had to cancel but we are delighted to welcome Edward/Eddie Hyde, FRPS, who will present his talk entitled ‘Motion Capture’, which is a comprehensive guide to the creative use of shutter speed.

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