
Weekly update

Lorna’s update below on the preparations for the Annual Exhibition illustrates how much work goes on in the background to ensure we are seen at our best. Huge thanks to the many members who are actively involved – and a not-so-subtle hint to those who are not, to join in the fun next year.

Don’t forget to renew your subscription for the 2024/25 season. Treasurer Brian will be delighted to receive your £68 membership fee from 1st July onwards. Our Constitution stipulates that all fees must be received by 15th July, otherwise membership will lapse, so please be prompt. Cheques should be made payable to Chichester Camera Club. If paying by BACS, the sort code is 30-93-97 and the account number is 31575960. To help with the bookkeeping, please add the reference ‘CCC subs’, along with your surname.

The Club receives emails from all sorts of people. One of the more surprising has just arrived from the television company which produces the BAFTA award-winning series ‘Gogglebox’ for Channel 4. They are looking for people, especially dynamic families and couples who have an interesting take on the world and a twinkle in their eye – who are interesting and make you laugh. If that’s you or you know someone who fits the bill, let me know and maybe we’ll see you on TV!

For use in their future advertising, The Havant Orchestras would like someone to photograph them making music on Saturday 13th July – at rehearsals at 2pm and then for an evening performance at 7:30pm, both at Oaklands School in Waterlooville. If you can help, please let me know at and I will put you in touch with the organisers.

At the start of the current season Glyn Edmunds led a very popular series of street photowalks in central Chichester. He has kindly offered to repeat the programme early in the new season – dates to follow.

For those who are heading west in July, Blandford Forum Camera Club are running their Photography Challenge on the 20th. The poster is featured.

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