
Weekly update

Our members were successful in the recent PAGB Inter-Federation Print Competition. In the black and white section, Ann McDonald’s ‘Boatman and Branch’ was accepted, as was Lorna Brown’s ‘Circle of Life’ in the colour category. Julia Wainwright did particularly well in the nature prints section, gaining an acceptance with ‘Hoopoe Feeding Young’ and being awarded a PAGB Ribbon for ‘Fight for Life’ (featured) Congratulations to you all.

Membership fees of £68 for the 2024/25 season should be paid between 1st and 15th July, please. BACS details are Account: Chichester Camera Club.     Sort Code: 30 93 97      Account Number: 31575960.

For your diaries, please note that the pre-exhibition meeting will be held at Tangmere on Thursday 25th July. There will be a raffle at the exhibition and we need prizes, such as bottles of wine, so please bring something suitable on the 25th.

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