
Weekly update

Although Thursday evening meetings have come to an end for the season, the Annual Exhibition team are still hard at work. This week’s task was the external judging of the exhibition entries by Sue Sibley  ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE5* (photo by Glyn Edmunds). Next week, the Selection Committee will be reviewing the panel layouts and gently culling the entries to fit within the available space.

The final, final deadline for entries for the Coath (Photographer of the Year) and Edmunds (greatest contributor to the life of the club) Cups is upon us. All entries need to be submitted by 13th June, to allow time for the cups to be engraved with the winners’ names. I know it’s fashionable to leave these things to the last minute but the last minute is upon us. VOTE NOW! Both competitions are currently neck-and-neck, so please have your say.

The Selection Committee have also been busy on other things. The PAGB Inter-Federation Competition is held each June and is contested in 3 print categories – Monochrome, Colour and Nature. Our entries have been selected and are listed in Peter Rocchiccioli’s post below. Congratulations to all those whose prints will be representing the Club and the SCPF on 15th/16th June.

West Chiltington are still looking for photographer for their Fete and Flower Show. 1:30 – 4pm on Saturday 13th July. Let me know at if you can help.

On Monday 8th July at 7pm, the EFIAP Photo Academy will be sponsoring an on-line presentation by Lisa Langell entitled ‘Bears and Cowboys’. The bear images were taken in Alaska and the cowboys in Arizona. More about Lisa can be found at and tickets are at

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