Spring Exhibition 25 – 3 weeks to go!

Please collect fliers from Tangmere and distribute far and wide.

A reminder that you need to email your personal statement to Vivien / me by 20th  March (next week).  This needs to be a maximum of 150 words but can be quite considerably shorter! These will then be printed in the house style.  If you are unsure of what is needed please contact me and I can send you some examples

  • I also need a hard copy of your hanging plan in colour by 20th  March.  This is so that we can coordinate the Exhibition.
  • If you are entering PDIs they should be entered via the usual method on the club website by 20th March at the very latest.
  • We need prizes for the raffle, a bottle or a box of chocolates or the like, and, nearer the time, cakes, preferably home-made, for refreshments.  
  • Mike Harris needs volunteers for collecting the stands and helping with putting up the display boards for the exhibition.
  • We need volunteers for various jobs over the weekend.  You can find a copy of the Rota on the website under Exhibitions  – Spring Exhibition – Rota.  I will be updating this as I get volunteers.

An exhibition dinner will be held at the Walnut Tree, Vinnetrow Road, Chichester, PO20 1QB on the Saturday evening at 7.15 for 7.30 p.m.and is open to everyone, not only exhibitors.  Please look at the file below and email your order to me at digitalgroup@chichestercameraclub.org.uk by Sunday 28th March.