Roll of Honour: Annual Exhibition Presentations
At the opening of The Annual Exhibition the cups were presented by Walter Benzie HonFRPS, President of the RPS to the
2016 – 2017 Seasons winners
Lankester Trophy, Winner of the Club PDI league: Helenka Boden
Sutherland Cup, Winner of the Intermediate PDI league: Paul Williams
Hackett Cup, Winner of Advanced PDI league: John Howes EFIAP
Waddington Cup, PDI of the Year: Lynne Owen LRPS
Shubotham Cup, Winner of the Print Panel competition: Pietro Rocchiccioli BA (Hons) Photography
Ada Tyler Cup, Winner of Small Print Competition: George Sayer
Brierley Cup, Winner of Club Print league: Richard Ryder
Postma Cup, Winner of Advanced Print league: Lynne Owen LRPS
Simcox Trophy, Winner of Intermediate Print league: Ed Feldmanis
Exhibition Trophies
Charles Sayers Trophy, Best Club PDI in Exhibition: Helenka Boden
Birch Cup, Best Intermediate PDI in Exhibition: Susan Watts
Turner Cup, Best Advanced PDI in Exhibition: John Field ARPS
Whitaker Trophy, Best Portrait PDI in Exhibition: Jeff Owen LRPS
Bevis Cup, Best Record PDI in Exhibition: Margret Preece ARPS
Chichester Challenge Cup, Best Landscape PDI in Exhibition: David Harris
Darley Cup, Best Pictorial PDI in Exhibition: Glyn Edmunds EFIAP
Evershed Martin Cup, Best Club Print in Exhibition: Guy Partington
Bastow Cup, Best Intermediate Print in Exhibition: Linda Bullimore LRPS
Derek Smith Cup, Most Creative Club or Intermediate Print: Carmel Lynch
Wilson Dent Cup, Best Advanced Print in Exhibition: Ann McDonald DPAGB
Read Cup, Best Portrait in Exhibition: Lynne Owen LRPS
Charles Howard Record Trophy, Best Record Print in Exhibition: Jan Davis
Simcox Landscape Trophy, Best landscape in Exhibition: David Abbott
Chichester Cup, Best Pictorial Print in Exhibition: Jean Brookes EFIAP
Edleston Trophy, Most original Advanced Print in Exhibition: Lynne Owen LRPS
Stewart Jones Cup, Best image within 10 miles radius of Chichester Cross: John Field
Tester Cup, Best natural History Image in Exhibition:Sheila Tester
Coath Memorial Cup, Photographer of the year: Ann McDonald EFIAP
Edmunds Cup, Contribution to The Club over year: Graham Walls
SCPF PAGB Presentations by Pietro Rocchiccioli
CPAGB Credit Award: Lynne Owen
DPAGB Distinction Award: Ross Laney