NewsPrint Group

Print and Presentation Group

Tuesday 10th December

The next Print and Presentation Group meeting is on Tuesday 10th December, 7.15 for 7.30pm start in the small hall at Tangmere with a £3 fee for members or £4 for visitors.

This is an opportunity to show your own prints (new work, in progress or old work), so please bring some along for friendly advice, skills sharing and discussion. For those Club and Intermediate who would like to receive more of a critique on your recent print submissions then this is also an opportunity for this. You may find it helpful if you are thinking of using those prints in the Spring or Summer Exhibitions.

If you are interested but don’t have any work to share, you’re still very welcome.

The 3rd Round of the Small Print Competition will also be judged during the evening. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. Featured Image is Vince Lavender’s Autumn Woodland.