PDIs for Club Competitions – information & clarification
Following on from recent enquiries from members about PDIs and recent PDI competitions, please find below some information and clarification points. Hopefully you will find them useful.
- Naming of Images: When uploading your PDIs to the Chichester Camera Club (CCC) PhotoComp system only enter the image title onto the system. Please do not include any details about yourself in the image title e.g. Name, photographic business name, photographic qualification etc. as this will be visible when projecting the image. The system knows who you are as you need to confirm your details prior to uploading your images.
- Uploading your images: After uploading your images onto the CCC PhotoComp you will receive an automated message (with titles & images) confirming successful upload. This does NOT mean that your images have been successfully downloaded from the system.
- Confirmation of Entry: Later you will receive an email confirming when your images have been successfully downloaded from the system by an officer of CCC. This is not an automated process, so will NOT occur straight after uploading, it can happen several days after upload.
- Reduction of number of images for competitions: For there to be enough time for competitions to run successfully in the evening sometimes the number of images per author may be reduced from three to two.
- If you uploaded three images then it will be your third image that will be removed from the competition (No.3 on the confirmation of entry email that you received).
- Running Order of Images within competition: When a competition is created within CCC PhotoComp the system will randomise all of the entries to ensure authors entries are not shown together etc. This may mean that your images will not be shown in the competition in the order that you uploaded them onto the system.
Ian Roberts