PAGB Group Meeting Monday 5th September
The PAGB Group will meet on Monday 5th September in the small hall in Tangmere, 7.00pm for a prompt start. Please come early to help set up.
This will be a busy season for the group. On 30th October we will host a PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit Advisory Day. This will be led by ROD WHEELANS and members of the APM Team. The workshop is intended for those who are thinking of applying for one of the PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit, CPAGB, DPAGB and MPAGB. Several of our group members will be participating in the workshop with a view to submitting panels for the Distinction Adjudications next April.
In addition to preparing for the PAGB Distinctions the group members will also be encouraged to enter the National and International Salons of Photography. In the last couple of years the group has had considerable success, with countless awards and acceptances for members. These successes led to six of the group members being awarded FIAP Distinctions last season. We hope to build on these achievements in the coming season.