
New Season begins

Hi All,

A very warm welcome to the start of our 2020/21 season and I hope we are all as happy as the lad in the featured image. Tonight we have the pleasure of being in the company of Tony Worobiec who will be presenting ‘The Waters Edge – a celebration of the British Coast’, so I hope as many of you can join the zoom meeting as possible. Details are in the programme section of our website with a link to the zoom meeting.

During August your committee have been very busy trying to develop a plan for implementing our print competitions, developing a risk assessment for attending meetings at Tangmere and exploring an inter club fun competition for our Christmas bash meeting. While nothing yet can be confirmed, all of this work is proceeding well and I hope to be able to publish more detail in future newsletters so watch this space. My sincere thanks to all the committee for their hard work to date.

Finally, I hope you have all had the opportunity to view our summer showcase on the Novium website. If not please make the effort as it really is well worth it.

So, I wish you all the very best and look forward to sharing our new seasons programme with you over the coming months.



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