
Membership Details and Membership Subscription. Time to Update Both!

Personal Details. It may be some time since you joined the Club and your details have changed; from moving home to changing your mobile number or acquiring another accreditation. Whilst I do my best to keep up to speed, you are the best editor! Please take a moment to check your entries on the membership database. In case you haven’t explored this facility – Log on to the CCC website. Just below ‘Welcome Your Name’, you will see ‘Profile’. By clicking on this you can view and update your details.

ICE (in case of Emergency) Information. All organizations have a responsibility to know who to contact in the event of an emergency. Last year a call for this information received a poor response, so this is a further plea. Again, you can make your own entry. The relevant boxes ‘Contact Name’ and Contact Number’ are towards the end of your Profile on the CCC website. A good thing to do, in any event if you have not already done so, is to have these details on your mobile phone.    Make sure you enable “Show on Lock Screen”!

Please let me know if you prefer me to make entries for any of the above for you:

Annual Subscription 2024/2025. This year’s subscription, set at the AGM, is to be £68, only one pound more than last year. Our Constitution requires this to be paid between 1st and 15th July and it would be much appreciated if you could avoid paying before 1st July, to help the Treasurer. This way, this year’s subs will go easily into the 2024/2025 Accounts. BACS details are:

Account: Chichester Camera Club.     Sort Code: 30 93 97      Account Number: 31575960

Reference CCC Subssurname

Please let me know if you would like to pay by cheque and I will send my address.

Thank you in anticipation,

Madeleine  (Membership Secretary)

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